N. Vaccai - "Metodo Pratico di canto" - HIGH VOICE
Make music together with our experienced conductors and accompanists -… and besides fine-tune your italian pronunciation
Access Video/ Audio content
Rehearse this repertoire with conductor + piano
In our members area you will find all the learning content for this aria album:
Videos with experienced conductor + piano accompaniment
Video/ Audio with conductor + voice/ melody
Prompter option: aria texts spoken in the rhythm of the music.
Demo-Clips - Klavierbegleitung + Dirigent*in + Souffleur

Repertoire Training
N. Vaccai in 15 Units
Videos with conductor – piano accompaniment – spoken italian lyrics
1st-5th: Learning Unit: Intervals
1st Learning Unit: The Scale – Skips of Thirds
- “Manca soliecita,
- “Semplicetta tororella,
2nd Learning Unit II – Skips of Fourths – Fifths
- “Lascia il lido, e il mare infido…”
- “Avvezzo a vivere senza conforto…”
3rd Learning Unit III – Skips of Sixths
- “Bella prova e d’alma forte….”,
4th Learning Unit IV – Skips of Sevenths – Octaves
- “Fra l’ombre un lampo solo….”,
- “Quell’ onda che ruina….”,
5 Learning Unit V – Semitones
- “Delira dubbiosa….”,
6th - 9th Learning Unit - Syncopes - Runs - Appogiatura - Mordent
Learning Unit VI – Syncopes
- “Nel contrasto amor s’accende,…”,
7 Learning Unit VII – Introduction to Runs
- “Come il candore,…”
8 Learning Unit VIII – Appoggiatura, from above and below – Acciaccatura
- “Senza l’amabile Dio di Citera…”,
- “Benche die senso privo…,
9 Learning Unit IX – Mordente – different styles
- “La gioja verace, per farsi palese…”,
- “L’augelletto in lacci stretto…,
10th - 12th Learning Unit: Excercises on Turns, Runs and Trills
10th Learning Unit X – Exercise on Turn
- “Quando accende un nobil petto…”,
- “Piu no si trovano tra mille amanti…,
11 Learning Unit XI – Exercise on Trill
- “Se povero il ruscello…”,
12 Learning Unit XII – Exercise on Runs
- “Siam navi all’ onde algenti…”,
13th - 15th Learning Unit: Portamento - Recitative - Recapitulation
13 Learning Unit XIII – Portamento
- “Vorrei spiegar l’affano…”,
- “O placido il mare lusinghi la sponda”
14 Learning Unit XIV – Recitative
- “La patria e un tutto di cui siam parti;…”
15 Learning Unit XV – Recapitulation
- “Alla stagion de’ fiori e de’ novelli amori…”
(with full 60-Day Money-Back-Guarantee. The subscription can be canceled anytime)
Innovation and creativity
The learning material is an ideal supplement for self-study, rehearsing in college, the opera studio, in the ensemble but also during singing lessons and coaching!
Motivation and inspiration
Create and breathe together with our conductors. Be inspired by the interpretation.
First class conductors
You learn early in your training what you get and can expect from a good conductor.
Secure competitive advantage
You will be well prepared and play the repertoire confidently and convincingly.
(with full 60-Day Money-Back-Guarantee. The subscription can be canceled anytime)
Follow great conductors
Learn what you can get and expect from an experienced conductor
Whenever you need help with rehearsal. Here you will find the appropriate repetition media!
Pronunciation and rhythm
In case you don’t speak Italian, French, Czech, Russian, German etc.! Our coaches speak the song / aria text to the rhythm of the music!
Best preparation "is half the battle"
...for all important auditions/ auditions, rehearsals, competitions, etc.
ABOUT "e-vocal
THIS PROJECT WAS PRIZED with the european lifelong learning AWARD by the European Commission!

Find the sheet music to the famous singing method of bel canto here: